Through a rigorous treatment of information based on quantitative data, Elypsis provides an objective and realistic market analysis and its implications.
Who we are
Elypsis, founded by Eduardo Levy Yeyati, offers comprehensive monitoring local and global context, and microsectorial macro perspective and the economic, political and financial factors that influence investment decisions of its customers. Our vision recognizes the limitations of traditional expert analysis, articulating issues that are usually addressed in isolation. Elypsis has a group of experts with extensive experience in the financial market, governance, policy analysis and academic research and work with multilateral credit agencies, central banks and governments, banks and investment funds and leading companies.
Juan Solá
Analista Senior. Juan está finalizando su maestría en Economía en la UBA, trabajó en Política Macroeconómica del Ministerio de Hacienda y en el área de finanzas de Garantizar SGR. Dicta clases de Finanzas Internacionales en la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Di Tella.
Lucía Pezzarini
Analista Senior. Lucía tiene una maestría en Economía (tesis pendiente) de la UBA, fue jefa del departamento de Comercio Exterior de la COPAL (Coordinadora de Industrias Alimenticias), coordinó el área monetaria y financiera de la consultora LCG, y fue analista de comercio exterior en el Ministerio de Hacienda.
Weekly update of the highlights political and economic events, through ongoing monitoring of local and international situation.
Data series and graphs of our key indicators and selected macroeconomic variables.
Future estimates of key economic and financial variables.