Tags. BLEP
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12 de abril de 2013
Monytor Semanal No 58 - 12 de abril de 2013
Resumen semanal de las principales novedades monetarias y financieras de Argentina y el mundo.
English /
16 de noviembre de 2011
Brookings Latin American Economic Perspectives - November 2011
The global outlook worsened in the second quarter of 2011 as stimulus programs failed to achieve self-sustained growth in the developed world, leading to a downward revision of past economic data and future growth prospects. Output gaps that may be larger than previously thought plus the eventual risk of a disorderly default in Europe kept risks tilted downward. In China, growth is still about 9 percent, but inflation is inducing a monetary tightening that may hinder growth.
English /
15 de abril de 2011
Brookings Latin American Economic Perspectives - April 2011
Overheating and inflationary pressures in Latin America are rising, and many financial regulators wonder whether domestic credit is already growing excessively. On the fiscal front, the region is now facing the well-known fact that tightening during an upturn is harder than loosening during a recession.
English /
16 de septiembre de 2010
Brookings Latin American Economic Perspectives - September 2010
Alerta Elypsis - Relevamiento de precios: Julio (Preliminar)
El futuro de la desigualdad en tiempos de bajo crecimiento: El Banco Mundial presentó su Informe Macroeconómico para América Latina, liderado por Augusto de la Torrre y Eduardo Levy Yeyati.The Brookings Institution
Two Versions of the European Debt CrisisProject Syndicate
Latin America�s Middle-Class MirageTriplet crises and the ghost of the new drachma
Alerta Elypsis - La saga de los holdouts: El negociador oficial entra en escena
2015 2016 Actividad Activity Agrícola agricultural agriculture Agrodólares Agua Alimentos América Latina Análisis económico Análisis financiero Argentina badlar Baja de tasas balance de pagos Balanza comercial Balanza de pagos Banco Central Banking BCRA BLEP bolsillo bonds bonos bony Brecha brechas BRICs