Tags. Central Bank
English /
12 de junio de 2014
Elypsis Special Report � Cared Rates "Tasas Cuidadas": Central Bank regulates interest rates
The Central Bank established measures to regulate interest rates. As we advanced in our Weekly Monitor Issue Nº 103, the BCRA finally decided to establish limits for the interest rates that the banks charge on secured and personal loans.
English /
9 de junio de 2014
Weekly Monytor Nº 103: BCRA poised to regulate interest rates
The BCRA is not capable of decreasing lending rates by lowering the interest rate offered in its weekly auctions and would advance with measures to regulate interest rates.
The Brookings Institution
Two Versions of the European Debt CrisisProject Syndicate
Keep the IMF Out of EuropeThe Greek Debt Crisis in the Latin American Mirror
Innocent Bystanders in a Brave New World
Brookings Latin American Economic Perspectives - November 2011Varieties of internal devaluation: Peripheral Europe in the Argentine mirror
Vox Eu
Are capital controls effective?
Actividad Activity Agua Alimentos América Latina Análisis económico Análisis financiero Argentina badlar Baja de tasas balance de pagos Balanza comercial Balanza de pagos Banco Central Banking BCRA BLEP bolsillo bonos Brecha BRICs business cycle capital controls Cared Rates Central America Central Bank central bank swaps Chile Club de París comercio exterior