Tags. Chile
Español /
12 de abril de 2013
Monytor Semanal No 58 - 12 de abril de 2013
Resumen semanal de las principales novedades monetarias y financieras de Argentina y el mundo.
English /
20 de enero de 2011
Are capital controls effective?
The global crisis has reignited debate on the desirability of capital controls. This column examines evidence from Argentina and Chile and argues that capital controls can be effective, but that their effectiveness and efficiency varies. It adds that controls need to be considered as part of a macro-prudential toolkit to prevent asset inflation and overvaluation that is costly to revert in the down cycle.
The Brookings Institution
Two Versions of the European Debt CrisisProject Syndicate
Keep the IMF Out of EuropeThe Greek Debt Crisis in the Latin American Mirror
Varieties of internal devaluation: Peripheral Europe in the Argentine mirror
Project Syndicate
Latin America�s Middle-Class MirageBloomberg
Default a World Away Has a Greek Lesson
Actividad Activity Agrodólares Agua Alimentos América Latina Análisis económico Análisis financiero Argentina badlar Baja de tasas balance de pagos Balanza comercial Balanza de pagos Banco Central Banking BCRA BLEP bolsillo bonos Brecha BRICs business cycle Canje capital controls Cared Rates Central America Central Bank central bank swaps Chile