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Tags. Competitiveness

Categoría: Español / 12 de abril de 2013
Monytor Semanal No 58 - 12 de abril de 2013
Resumen semanal de las principales novedades monetarias y financieras de Argentina y el mundo.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 16 de septiembre de 2011
A Euro Exit: Lessons from Argentina�s Economic Crisis
Because the European crisis is both financial and real, any solution that focuses solely on debt restructuring (either through a bailout or a default) is likely to be insufficient if it is not complemented with a plan to recover price competitiveness. An �internal devaluation� (a big wage cut) looks politically unfeasible and economically self-defeating. Hence, the growing debate over a euro exit that promises to boost external demand while avoiding painful nominal cuts.

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