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Tags. agricultural

Categoría: English / 3 de agosto de 2015
Elypsis Monthly Report - Much Ado About Nothing: Argentina in the electoral limbo
The dollar in campaign
Increasing fiscal deficit
Global risk factors: dollar and commodities
Local risk factor: soy stocks and yields

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 13 de julio de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 143: We adjusted upward our growth forecast for 2015 to 1%
With an already growing economy, we modify our forecast of average growth for 2015 to 1%.
In June, the expansion of the monetary base and private M3 accelerates slightly, while the private M2 decelerates.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 6 de julio de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 142: With expenditure increasing 45% the fiscal result continues to worsen
The international context determined the fall of local ADRs in the past week.
In April, the primary deficit registers a new record.
According to official data, the economy grew 1.1% YoY in the first quarter.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 18 de junio de 2015
Elypsis Monthly Report - Continuism, gradualism, shock: The 2016 scenarios in figures
How do we arrive to December 10th?
2016 Scenarios: Continuity, gradualism, shock
Gradualism vs. shock: Main differences

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 8 de junio de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 140: The growth rate of the monetary base and monetary aggregates accelerates
The implicit depreciation rate of short-term futures contracts decreased again, but now coupled with a decrease in longer-term contracts.
Griesa extended the pari passu judgment to "me too" creditors.
In May tax revenue grows strongly.
Wages fell by 0.8% YoY in April, but still maintain their positive trend.
In Chicago, corn and soybean prices increased.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 13 de abril de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 133: In March, tax revenue grew for second month in a row
In March, tax revenue grows for the second consecutive month thanks to social security and activity. January primary result was the worst first month of the year since 2002.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 16 de marzo de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 131: Return of the superdollar
Return of the super dollar. Euro hits 12-year low. The Brazilian Real continues to fall. The REER at January 2002 levels.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 13 de enero de 2015
Weekly Monytor Nº 124: The beginning of negotiations could be delayed until all "me toos" are identified
The start of negotiations might be delayed until March, estimated date by which all the "me toos" would be identified. We maintain our scenario of negotiation with a low probability of agreement. However, with an expired RUFO, the government's offer raises. At current values, the potential offer by the Argentine government approaches the 2005 swap whose actual value is higher than that of the 2010 swap.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: English / 27 de octubre de 2014
Weekly Monytor Nº 119: "Fiscal and trade balance: The disequilibrium increases"
August fiscal balance was worse than expected.
In September foreign trade contracted again, with exports falling 12.1% YoY and, like in August and July, none of the main categories experienced positive growth compared to the same month of last year.
Government frees wheat and corn exports.
August official figures confirm the greatest contraction since July 2009.
We raise the likelihood of a negotiation with holdouts in 2015, after the RUFO clause expires.

Fuente: Elypsis

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