Tags. agriculture
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27 de octubre de 2014
Weekly Monytor Nº 119: "Fiscal and trade balance: The disequilibrium increases"
August fiscal balance was worse than expected.
In September foreign trade contracted again, with exports falling 12.1% YoY and, like in August and July, none of the main categories experienced positive growth compared to the same month of last year.
Government frees wheat and corn exports.
August official figures confirm the greatest contraction since July 2009.
We raise the likelihood of a negotiation with holdouts in 2015, after the RUFO clause expires.
Alerta Elypsis - Relevamiento de precios: Julio (Preliminar)
El futuro de la desigualdad en tiempos de bajo crecimiento: El Banco Mundial presentó su Informe Macroeconómico para América Latina, liderado por Augusto de la Torrre y Eduardo Levy Yeyati.The Brookings Institution
Two Versions of the European Debt CrisisProject Syndicate
Latin America�s Middle-Class MirageTriplet crises and the ghost of the new drachma
Alerta Elypsis - La saga de los holdouts: El negociador oficial entra en escena
2015 2016 Actividad Activity Agrícola agricultural agriculture Agrodólares Agua Alimentos América Latina Análisis económico Análisis financiero Argentina badlar Baja de tasas balance de pagos Balanza comercial Balanza de pagos Banco Central Banking BCRA BLEP bolsillo bonds bonos bony Brecha brechas BRICs