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Tags. Development

Categoría: Español / 12 de abril de 2013
Monytor Semanal N58 - 12 de abril de 2013
Resumen semanal de las principales novedades monetarias y financieras de Argentina y el mundo.

Fuente: Elypsis

Categoría: Español - Política Fiscal - Política Cambiaria y Monetaria / 11 de julio de 2012
No quememos los libros
¿No hay lecciones de la crisis? Por el contrario, las hay como para escribir varios libros

Fuente: La Nación

Categoría: English / 4 de diciembre de 2011
Keep the IMF Out of Europe
So far, programs for the eurozone periphery have been spearheaded and largely financed by European governments, with the IMF contributing financially, but mainly acting as an external consultant.

Categoría: English / 1 de junio de 2011
Graduation Season: Moving Toward Advanced Economy Status
The Brookings Graduation Scorecard ranks emerging markets based on four core areas: economic growth, financial resilience, policy track record and broad development factors.

Categoría: English / 3 de abril de 2011
Financial globalisation in emerging economies: Myths and reality
Conventional wisdom states that financial globalisation has been advancing since the mid-1980s, particularly in developing countries. It also states that this should have fostered international portfolio diversification and consumption smoothing. But this column takes a closer look at the data and argues that neither financial globalisation nor portfolio diversification has grown significantly in emerging markets over that period.

Fuente: Vox Eu

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